

 My favorite animal is dog. Of course, it is the best for me, because, dog has a lot of kind and cute. Dog makes me happy and vigor. Then, I have a dog my home town. It is Chihuahua and girl, body is very little, color is cream, have big eyes, very feminine, very gentle. I want to play with her. But, now, I live by myself, and she lives in Saga with my host family. So, because of she and me is part from, I can’t play with her every day. But, I am indifferent. After all, I have a lot of her picture. I love her. In this connection, her name is Choco.
Second, my favorite animal is hamster. Before, I had two hamsters. Name is that one is Chibi first, the other is Chibi second. Usually, hamster’s natural life is about two years. But, miracle is happened!! My hamster was alive for about three years. I was very surprised at it. They are very gentle, cute, little, rapid. Once in a while, they bite me. It is very pain. But, I’m not angry, because, I love their. So, I don’t feel pain. When they die, I was very shocked and sorrowful. And we made grave for them. From then on, we don’t have a hamster in our house. It was that I was junior high school student. Last, what I learned that I had a hamster is life is very valuable thing, and losing a favorite thing is very unhappy. I think that my favorite hamster gave treasure for me.

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