

I read “Scat, Cats!” It is story about the girl and the boy dealing with a lot of the cats. There are a girl and a boy. In their house, a lot of cats are going to enter the house whose is lived by the girl and the boy. At first, the children want to let the cats out of the house, but the cats can run faster than they do. Therefore, the cats act up in the house, and bother the children. One day, the cats disappear. The girl and the boy feel lonely, and want the cats to come back again. The children try to find the cats, but there is no cat any more. The boy finds some trails of the cats in front of the door. Finally, the cats come back the house and they have good time with the children.



  I read “The balloon”.
This story is that the children were outside. A hot air balloon went by. Mrs. May had a secret. She told Wilf what it was. It was time to watch television. The television went wrong. May was very embarrassed. And the photocopier went wrong, the computer went wrong. Wilf and Wilma came home, and they had a letter. It was that the school wanted money. Then, Wilf had an idea. Everyone liked the idea. And everyone bought tickets. Of course, May bought a ticket. But she bought lots of, because, she wanted to go in the balloon. May won the prize. She won a ride in the balloon. And, she went up in the balloon. When, she saw the stream. She saw the house. She looked down at the park, then took a photograph. The after, the school have a lot of money, and bought lot of things. May was pleased, and she gave wilf a present.
My home town is Saga. Saga is famous balloon. Especially, there is balloon festival at autumn. So, every year I can look it. It was very beautiful. Of course, I have been to ride a balloon. And I like the balloon.



 I read “The secret room”.
Story is that Biff and Chip helped their parents at their new house. The house is theirs favorite house. First, they put wallpaper on the wall. Second, they painted a door. Then, Dad was in Biffs room, and looked at the wallpaper. Really, Biff wanted new wallpaper. The after, they went to the wallpaper shop, she found favorite wallpaper in this store. They went back home, and pulled the wallpaper off. Then, Biff found a door. Opened the door, found the room, everyone looked inside. Mum found a little house in the secret room. It looked like our house. They found a little dog and three little children. Biff liked her bed room. And she liked the secret room too. Dad painted the secret room. Biff was in bed, she dreamed about the little children.
I think that they are very envious for me, I read this story, because, my house don’t have secret room. And my house don’t have secret. So, I want this room in my house.